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End to End Multi AI Agents RAG With LangGraph, AstraDB And Llama 3.1

Hello everyone, and welcome to this tutorial! In this video, we will create a comprehensive, end-to-end multi-AI agent application using LangGraph, AstraDB, and Llama 3.1. If you are unfamiliar with LangGraph, it helps you manage AI agents' states and communications. In this post, we will walk through the project architecture, step-by-step implementation using these tools, and conclude with the final working application.

Project Architecture

The architecture of our project will include:

  • A start node in LangGraph to manage user queries
  • A router to determine if a query should be resolved using a vector database (provided by AstraDB) or by an external tool, such as a Wikipedia search
  • A vector database created and managed in the cloud using AstraDB
  • Integration with an LLM (Large Language Model) for prompt engineering and response generation
  • End node to close the workflow

Implementing the Project

We will start by creating a vector database with AstraDB and then add nodes to handle user queries. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Setting Up AstraDB

First, create an AstraDB vector database:

    name: 'testDatabase', 
    region: 'us-east-1'

Next, generate and secure access tokens and retrieve your database ID.

Step 2: Establishing Connection to AstraDB

We will connect to AstraDB using Casio:

from casio import Casio
casio = Casio(token=AstraDB_application_token, db_id=astraDB_ID)

Step 3: Loading Data into AstraDB

We'll read data from websites, split it into chunks, and convert it to vectors before storing it in the database:

from langchain.libs import LangChain, LangGraph
from doc_loader import WebBasedLoader

# Loading data
loader = WebBasedLoader(urls=["https://example.com/agent", "https://example.com/prompt", "https://example.com/adversarial"])
documents = loader.load()

# Splitting data
text_splitter = LangChain.splitters.CharTextSplitter(chunk_size=500, overlap=0)
split_docs = text_splitter.split(documents)

# Converting to vectors
embeddings = LangChain.embeddings.HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model="all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
vector_store = LangChain.vector_stores.Cassandra(embeddings=embeddings, table_name="QA_mini_demo")

Step 4: Connecting LangGraph with LLM

For our language model, we will use Llama 3.1:

from langchain.models import Llama
llm = Llama(api_token=grok_api_key, model_name="llama-3.1-70B")
structured_llm = llm.with_structured(Output=RouteQuery)

Prompt engineering will help route user queries to the appropriate node:

# Define prompt
prompt = "You are an expert at routing user queries to either the vector store or Wikipedia. Use the vector store for questions on agents, prompt engineering, and attacks; otherwise, use Wiki search."

# Creating a question router
question_router = LangChain.ChatPrompt(template=prompt, model=structured_llm)
response = question_router.invoke("What is an agent?")

Step 5: Adding Conditional Logic and Nodes in LangGraph

We will define different nodes and connect them conditionally:

workflow = LangGraph.StateGraph(class_=GraphState)

# Defining nodes
workflow.add_node("wiki_search", function=wiki_search_function)
workflow.add_node("retrieve", function=retrieve_function)

# Adding edges
workflow.add_conditional_edges("start", "route_query", {"wiki_search": "wiki_search", "vector_store": "retrieve"})

# Compile the workflow
app = workflow.compile()

Step 6: Running the Application

Finally, let’s run the application:

for output in app.stream("What is an agent?"):

This should output results from the vector store, as the query is relevant to the database.


This comprehensive project combines multiple AI agents using LangGraph and AstraDB, and integrates with an LLM such as Llama 3.1. By following these steps, you can effectively manage and route user queries to appropriate data sources, making your chatbots and AI tools more versatile and efficient.

Thank you for following along! For an in-depth tutorial, please watch the video using the link below: